Aliases defined here are: MA <text> Send another message to the person you last sent one.
Same as: /m . <text>MR <text> Send a reply to the person who last sent you a msg.
Same as: /m , <text>WA Show the WHOIS of the person you last sent a message to. IA Invite the person you last sent a message to.
UNALIAS <aliasname> An alias to unalias an alias ;-) UNSET <variablename> An alias to unset a set.. huh? :) ALARM <time> Set the alarm of the clock. CLOCK <on/off> Switch the clock.
NO = NOTICE to avoid collision with /NOTIFY. LA = LASTLOG to avoid collision with /LAUGH from ACTION. LF = SET LOGFILE for lazy ones. NF = NOTIFY " " = QUOTE "
H+ and H- Quickies for /set hold_mode on and off.
Contributed by various ircers... SHIELDS_UP Ignore messages and notices from the person
that last sent you a msg.PROTECT Make your channel invite-only and writeprotected. UNPROTECT Remove that state of protection again. CHOPS Get a list of the channel operators on the channel. WJOIN <channel> Join a channel and open a special window for it. TALKTO <target> Open a window and start a query with
person and send it to the person that should have got it.