ircII help - load/functions

Usage: LOAD functions

Some useful and/or interesting functions.

Additionnal commands and functions available: $reverse(<width> ) reverse the whole line, right justify $format(<width> ) format text in a column right justified $lformat(<width> ) format text in a column left justified $center(<width> ) center text sin space wide $sandr(<search> ) search for, and replace stuff in text

                                This one is a programming exercise
                                Don't rely on it.
$notword(<word #> ) Remove the word # from the list. starts at 1 show <array name> Show all items in the array and subarrays push <listname> push words onto list with listname
                                e.g.  push name Bill Jane Jim
$push(<listname> ) Same as 'push' but it returns 0 or 1 for
                                success or failure
pop listname pop first item off top of list listname $pop(listname) like pop but returns that item $pluck(listname word) pluck the word from the list listname and
                                return the new list
$sort(<list of words>) Sorts the given list of words case insensitive (Daemon 93)

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