ircII help - note/note


NOTE USER [&passwd] [+-flags] [+-maxtime] <nick!username@host> or SEND|SPY|FIND|WAITFOR|WALL|WALLOPS|DENY|NEWS|KEY <see USER args.> NOTE LS|COUNT|RM|LOG [&pwd][+-flags][#ID] <nick!user@host> [date] NOTE FLAG [&passwd] [+-flags] [#ID] <nick!username@host> <+-flags> NOTE SENT [NAME|COUNT|USERS] <f.nick!> [RM] NOTE STATS [MSM|MSW|MUM|MUW|MST|MSF|USED|RESET] [value] NOTE SAVE

The Note system have two main functions: 1. Let you send one line messages to irc users which

     they will get when they next sign on to irc.
     Example: NOTE SEND <nick> Hi, this is a note to you.
2. Let you spy on people, to see when they sign on or off,
     change nick name or join channels.
     Example: NOTE SPY +100 <nick>  (spy on nick for 100 days)

You may fill in none or any of the arguments listed above, including * or ? at any place, as nick@*.edu, !username, ni?k!username etc... Other usefull features may be NOTE WAIT <nick>, making nick and you get a message when you both are on at the same time.

The WALL, WALLOPS, DENY and KEY subcommands of the USER command, the USERS subcommand of the SENT command, the RESET subcommand of the STATS command, and the SAVE command are only available to IRC operators. Note was developed 1990 by (Wizible on IRC).

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